Lead the Revolution
Build SciML models that speed up simulations 100x to 1000x
Build it Yourself
Tired of reading papers that claim all kinds breakthroughs & improvements? Build it yourself! Be the change agent. Our platform enables all necessary functionality to solve PDEs and ODEs using Deep Learning methods.
Build Your Own Neural PDE solvers
Build Surrogate SciML models
Accelerate your traditional numerical methods with machine learning approximated models by orders of magnitude.
Don't compromise: Go for Large Scale
Real world problems that matter tend to be large scale in nature. In one click users can scale linearly to a cluster of GPU or CPU . No HPC skills required.
Topology Optimization
Get your product to market faster with the confidence that your ML optimized designs meet certification requirements
track for Model Uncertainty
All models are approximations of reality. Uncertainty quantification helps build and select better performing the model.
HPC infrastrcuture
RocketML abstracts out all cloud & HPC complexities. Researchers can just focus on evaluation, design and control of complex systems.
Digital Twins
Combine models with Rocketml pipeline studio to discover missing physics and generate digital twins.
Attend Seminar
Attend a full day SciML technical seminar with opportunity for hands on learning at the upcoming SuperComputing Conference in Nov, 2021
Scientific Machine Learning is a burgeoning discipline which blends scientific computing and machine learning. It offers the greatest opportunity to solve major problems and design better engineered systems. Time is now!